Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Exploring Budget Car Rental
How to Redeem Your Budget Promo Code
- Start by entering your pick-up location or zip code in the input box on the Budget homepage.
- Click on the Offer Codes tab to expand the section.
- Input your promo code in the fields next to Enter an Offer Code.
- Click the Select My Car button to apply your discount and proceed with your car selection.
If Your Budget Promo Code Isn't Working
- Check that the Budget promo code was entered correctly.
- Ensure that your rental meets any necessary criteria, such as minimum rental days required for the promo to apply.
- Verify that the promo code is still valid and hasn't expired.
- If you continue to encounter issues, consider using a different Budget coupon code.
Policy on Stacking Budget Promo Codes
Budget allows only one promo code per reservation. If you enter another code, it will replace the current one. Always select the promo code that offers the best discount for your needs.
Saving Tips for Budget Car Rental
- Join Budget's Fastbreak program to enjoy quicker reservations and exclusive member perks.
- Use your Veterans Advantage or AARP membership to save up to 30% on rentals.
- Explore the Deals and Car Sales sections on the website for current offers.
- Take advantage of Budget's Best Rate Guarantee, which matches lower rates found elsewhere plus an additional 10% off.
- Look for free upgrade offers and other promotions on the Budget website.
- Earn rewards through partnerships with airlines like JetBlue and Southwest, as well as hotels and other partners.
- Sign up for Budget's email newsletter to receive updates on special offers directly to your inbox.
Holiday and Seasonal Pricing at Budget
During major holidays and popular vacation seasons, rental prices at Budget may increase due to higher demand. To save money, consider booking your rental car well in advance of these peak times.
Managing Your Budget Car Rental
To view or modify your reservation details, click Reservations on the Budget menu and select View or Modify. More details can be found on Budget's reservations webpage.
Budget Cancellation Policy
You can cancel or modify your rental through the Reservations section of the website. Specific conditions may apply, depending on the type of reservation.
Contacting Budget Support
For assistance, call Budget's customer service at 800-214-6094. You can also find contact information for global regions on their website. Budget's corporate address is Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC, 6 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ, 07054, U.S.
About Budget
Founded in 1958, Budget operates in over 3,000 locations worldwide, offering affordable car rentals. Known for excellent customer service, Budget also provides additional services to ensure customer satisfaction during their rental experience.